January 31, 2023 - KOBI5
Pollinator Project Rogue Valley encourages biodiversity education
We love this short story by Natalie Sirna about what we do, and why! "
PHOENIX, Ore. – Pollinator Project Rogue Valley is a nonprofit making a lot of buzz. The volunteer-led organization is striving to educate citizens on native plant gardens, for the purpose of attracting native pollinators.

For PPRV's From Fire to Flowers Pollinator Garden Program!
September 8, 2023 - Ashland.news
Rising from the ashes: From Fire to Flowers program offers free gardens for Almeda survivors
We talk with Morgan Rothborne about why we are offering this program to the community, and what it means to the people, the pollinators, and the restoration of community after the fire.

November 28, 2023 - JPR's Jefferson Exchange
Post-fire rebuilding for the pollinators
Join Tiina Beaver and Kristina Lefever of PPRV in the studio, talking with Geoff Riley! "The Almeda fire of September 2020 left lingering scars. Some are indeed healing, as homes are rebuilt and plants sprout up where the fire killed trees and brush. Animal habitats as well as homes for people were destroyed, and Pollinator Project Rogue Valley is giving a boost to people who want to get back into pollinator gardens."

For PPRV's Habitat Academy Program!
March 1, 2023 - The Jefferson Exchange/Jefferson Public Radio Planning for spring planting that will help out butterflies
This conversation with David Lee Myers is about some of the plants most attractive and helpful for butterflies and other pollinators, in advance of our March 5, 2023 workshop Food Plants for Butterflies, Part 1.

For PPRV's Pollinator Pals Program!
January 23, 2024 - KDRV
Thanks to Liv Collum for the lovely article to cover our award! Pollinator Project receives $12,500 to grow youth education program
January 22, 2024 - PPRV
Read our press release sharing the news about our grant award from the Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation on January 19, 2024, for our Pollinator Pals program.
January 9, 2024 - Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation
PPRV is honored and thrilled to be a recipient of the Foundation's awards for the second year! The Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation (CCUIF) awards $817,330 to 83 charities in SW Oregon in their fall round of giving, tto non-profits from Coos, Deschutes, Douglas, Jackson, Josephine, Klamath, and Lane Counties.
April 14, 2023 - Umpqua Watersheds
Episode 57 of Living Downstream features Ethan Robison in his role as Pollinator Education and Outreach Specialist serving at Pollinator Project Rogue Valley and Teighan Carnagey in his role as Community Engagement Leader serving at UCAN. At 25:00, listen in on a conversation about pollinators! Learn more in this article Ethan quotes, Feed the bees and shade the streams: riparian shrubs planted for restoration provide forage for native bees. Mitchell, DeBano, S. J., Rowland, M. M., & Burrows, S. (2022), Restoration Ecology, 30(3).
January 17, 2023 - The Jefferson Exchange/Jefferson Public Radio
Cow Creek Band gives money to Pollinator Project for bee aid
Pollinator Project Rogue Valley recently received a grant from the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians to bolster programs for bees and other pollinators. The grant is earmarked for the Pollinator Pals program, getting kids involved in enhancing habitat for pollinators.
January 13, 2023 - KTVL Staff
Local pollinator organization receives grant to fund youth education
January 11, 2023 - PPRV
Our press release sharing the news about our grant award from the Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation on January 11, 2023, for our Pollinator Pals program. We were also the recipient of the 2023 Martha Young Award.
Canyonville - KOBI Staff
Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation donates to Jackson County nonprofits
Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation's Press Release -
"Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation Gives $785,806 to Sixty-nine Charities in Southwestern Oregon"

In Southern Oregon Magazine!
This story in Southern Oregon Magazine's January's issue highlights the many great places these sweet little towns have to offer, residents and visitors alike. We love the wildflower article, especially with the author's recognition of the importance of and the need to care for pollinators, along with excellent links to more resources (including us!).

For The Rogue Valley Pollinator Anthology!
May and June 2022
Learn more about this beautiful and amazing community literary arts project here, and follow the media coverage here!

On You Tube!
Many thanks to Wanda Borland for making these videos possible - and professional!
2020 - In Our Gardens!
Please click here to visit Our Gardens! page and enjoy the videos about how we are transforming landscapes and gardens into pollinator havens, full of native plants all year round.
March 2019
In this short PSA, Kristina explains the harm from the use of neonicotinoids in relation to legislation submitted during the 2019 Oregon Session that would have labeled neonicotinoids Restricted Use Pesticides. We'll try again.
April 2019
Kristina Lefever talks about pollinators, gardens, and pesticides, and why it all matters, in this 14 minute video filmed at the RVTV studio.
July 2019
In this episode of RVTV's A FOCUS On, host Julia Babb talks with Pollinator Project Rogue Valley president, Kristina Lefever, about the things we can do to support pollinators in the Rogue Valley.
July 2019
RVTV's A FOCUS On host, Julia Babb, and Kristina Lefever, president of Pollinator Project Rogue Valley, talk about the massive decline of our pollinating allies and the dire role pesticides play in this decline.
July 2019
In this short PSA, Kristina and Jarrett Taylor, GIS student at SOU, share how our Rogue Buzzway Project is mapping pollinator corridors in the Rogue Valley. Please tell us where your pollinator garden is!

In the Paper!
September, 2018, Garden Beet
Kristina Lefever wrote a lovely article about the Rogue Buzzway
for the Jackson County Master Gardener Association newsletter.
June 11, 2018, Mail Tribune
Tony Boom wrote this article, 'Project creating Rogue Valley 'buzzway map', about our Rogue Buzzway project!
"An online pollinator corridor map is being compiled with the goal of inspiring a Rogue Valley “buzzway.”
Pollinator Project Rogue Valley is mapping pollinator-friendly landscapes with help from Southern Oregon University students and a foundation grant. Property owners are requested to complete an online questionnaire to provide data."
Read more here.

On the Radio!
Listen here, as Kristina Lefever talks about ways to support our bees
and other pollinators, and gardens, pesticides, our Rogue Buzzway
project, Bee City USA, the simple things people can do, and more!
Big thanks to Jon Stewart of Aromaculture.com for the interview.
October 9, 2018
Listen here, as Kristina Lefever and Cindy Harp talk with Lin Bernhardt of KSKQ's Animals Matter, about pets and pesticides and our Non Toxic Rogue Valley initiative.
September 14, 2018
Listen here, as Kristina Lefever talks with Lin Bernhardt of KSKQ's Animals Matter, about pollinators, gardens, and pesticides.
March 20, 2018
Listen here, as Kristina Lefever from Pollinator Project Rogue Valley, and Jarrett Taylor and Seth Campbell, students from the GIS class at SOU, have a conversation with Geoff Riley on The Jefferson Exchange.