Read the September 2023 article in about our work in the Bear Creek Mobile Home Park in Ashland.
Visit our Resources page for information about plants, pollinators, and more!
Read our blog articles:
PPRV's From Fire to Flowers Pollinator Garden Program: Restoring Community
and Ecology,
Part 1
by Erin Keller
We are helping people plant pollinator gardens, full of native plants,
to bring back the pollinators after the fire.
Too many community members are not in a financial position to replant a pollinator garden.
Are you, or someone you know, interested in installing a native pollinator garden as you rebuild after the fire? We can help!
Vanessa Henson and Tiina Beaver, with Kristina Lefever (center) - Gratitude to the Gordon Elwood Foundation for their support!

We hope this program will inspire the plantings of more pollinator gardens throughout the valley
and help rebuild the Rogue Buzzway!
Your contributions help us continue to expand and develop our gardens and educational teachings about native pollinators for our local ecology.
Help us Restore the Earth One Native Drought Tolerant Pollinator Garden at a Time
We are Grateful!
We couldn't do this work without the work of so many!
Gratitude to our From Fire to Flowers Pollinator Gardens Funders and Partners!
Thank you, Gordon Elwood Foundation, for your financial support to help us grow this program! Thank you, Plant Oregon, for your amazing support, and to all of our program sponsors! Gratitude to Tiina Beaver of Constant Gardener and Vanessa Henson of C3 Enterprise, for all you do to make these gardens a success! Special thanks to Karin Onkka of Karin Onkka Design, for our From Fire to Flowers logo and sign!

Many, many thanks to our Pollinteers who make these gardens happen!
Help us bring back
native pollinators with native plants!
Click the photo to enter the photo album.
The From Fire to Flowers Pollinator Garden
for Andi Good & Will Bagley,
installed May 25, 2023
Our team: Tiina Beaver, Vanessa Henson, Kristina Lefever, Sue Fthenakis, Arti Kirch, and Deb Vroman
Click the photo to enter the photo album.
The From Fire to Flowers Pollinator Garden
for Kim and Chris Anglin, designed and installed
October 13 & November 3, 2023
Our team: SOU's Dr. Chhaya Werner's EcoAdventure class, Tiina Beaver, Vanessa Henson, Sue Fthenakis, Deb Vroman, and Kristina Lefever
I had a wonderful time working with PPRV as we installed a garden in Maureen’s front yard. it was really rewarding to be part of a team working together to accomplish such a good project. There was a well prepared plan, the materials and tools were all all on-site, and everyone cooperated beautifully. By the end of the day, the yard was transformed from a flat, weedy, unappealing space to a contoured, interesting landscape, populated with pollinator friendly plants ready to blossom into a beautiful space as the things get established. I came home in a really good mood that day.
~ Sue Fthenakis
Click the photo to watch the transformation of Stella's yard in this wonderful video by our friend Wanda Borland.
The From Fire to Flowers Pollinator Garden
for Stella Cruz Kennedy, installed May 2022
Our team: Vanessa Henson, Sharon Bryson, Randy Stevenson, Nicole Hartsough, LorrieAnne Miller, Arti Kirch, Christine Freidel, Deb Vroman, and Kristina Lefever
Click the photo to enter the photo album.
The From Fire to Flowers Pollinator Garden
for Walter Wattenburger, installed October 2023
Our team: Vanessa Henson, Tiina Beaver, Sue Fthenakis, Deb Vroman, and Kristina Lefever
Click the photo to enter the photo album.
The From Fire to Flowers Pollinator Garden
for Lisa and Steve Bergum, installed May 2023
Our team: Tiina Beaver, Vanessa Henson, Louise Parker, Sharon Bryson, Deb Vroman, Ellen Barry, Karen Brown, Sue Fthenakis, and Kristina Lefever
Why are pollinators important?
Ensuring a diversity of pollinator species in the Rogue Valley is crucial for our diverse ecosystems and food systems. From tiny to large, native bees, honey bees, butterflies, moths, wasps, beetles, flies, and hummingbirds pollinate our native trees and shrubs and the many food crops we eat every day, all while providing the perfect nourishment for birds, fish, and other wildlife.
In addition to pollinating the apples, carrots, squash, berries, lettuce, and more in our gardens, orchards, and farms, most of our native trees, shrubs, and flowering plants depend on these essential, hardworking pollinators to set seed and reproduce, thus insuring our Valley remains full of beautiful and diverse flora and fauna!

Did you know?
Caterpillars are high-protein food for baby birds! Like the monarch, the caterpillars of many moth and butterfly species eat only specific native plants.

Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele)
Why are native plants important?

Native plants local to our area serve the pollinators best -- from bumblebees looking for pollen and nectar in lupine and phacelia flowers to the Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele) looking for various violet species. Like milkweed for
monarchs, violets are the only host plant
on which this beautiful butterfly will
lay its eggs. Every butterfly (and
moth) needs host plants for the
hungry caterpillars to eat!
Native trees, shrubs, grasses and
annual and perennial flowering
plants bring diversity and beauty to
the landscape and usually require
little in the way of care. Many species
are adapted to the native soil already
in our landscape, with little need for soil amend-ments. Many require very little water once estab-lished. Others are perfect for riparian areas along creeks and streams, providing much needed habitat and food sources for insects, birds, and other wildlife.

© K. Merganthaler
Douglas Violet
(Viola douglasii)
© David Lee Myers
Click here for more information about native pollinators and plants.