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Our Gardens!

Our short and long term goals are to see more native pollinators in the landscape - bees, butterflies, moths, beetles, wasps, and hummingbirds.


Periodically, we conduct 'pollinator counts' to track and collect the numbers of pollinator species in our garden at The Pollination Place. Not surprisingly, we have documented an increase in native pollinator species since we installed the current native pollinator garden in late 2019 (see photo album on the top right).


Please enjoy our photo album of the pollinator counts we have documented since 2020. Along with the actual data sheets, you will be able to see some of the 'action' and the pollinators we saw. (click the photo below to access the album)


We encourage you to do your own pollinator counts! Or, let us know if you would be interested in participating in a pollinator count with us.


Click the photo to enter the album.

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An unknown caterpillar species on Tarweed


We are thrilled and honored to have been included in the virtual Native Plants Garden Tour hosted by the Jackson County Master Gardeners in May and June, 2021!  With 11 gardens, the Tour demonstrates how each space can be beautiful for people and pollinators.  

Thanks to the Master Gardener's for taking on such a big project and sharing the important message - plant native plants for our native pollinators!


Kyle Poling and Kristina Lefever highlight why our garden is a beautiful native pollinator garden through the seasons.

Gratitude and many thanks to Wanda Borland for all of her work on these wonderful videos below! Learn more about Wanda, a Pollinteer Extrodinaire, on our Blog

And, please enjoy short in-the-moment videos of the pollinators, plants, and gardens at The Pollination Place in this Album.  


Follow us on our seed journey, and find out about  the next generation of these plants as we collect  and plant the seeds to grow more pollinator plants.


Gratitude to those who helped made these gardens possible with their sponsorships, donations and/or labor, and to those who continue to tend them today.

Ashland Community Food Bank
AFC logo
Our Office Gardens
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We love how this pollinator garden, designed by Kimberly Brown, transformed a dry, unused corner of the Ashland Community Food Bank property into a beautiful haven for pollinators and people.

Many thanks to the Ashland Community Food Bank for providing this space to create this garden for pollinators and people! 


Click the picture to enter the Photo Album.


Clover Lane, Ashland, OR
behind the Ashland Community Food Bank

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We moved into our office on Main Street in February 2019, and right away, began dreaming of a beautiful pollinator garden, filled with native, low- to no-irrigation plants. Here is the list of the native plants growing in the front garden.

Our new and improved Garden Guide is available for a self-guided tour as well as for sale. Providing detailed information about each of the 51 plant species growing in the Garden, as well as the pollinators they
support, the Guide is
a special resource to
help you create a
native plant garden
for the pollinators! 

The south side of the
building is now a
mini-nursery as well
as a pollinator garden. 

We are fortunate and grateful to be the  recipient of a grant from the Ashland Food Co-op in 2019 that helped us turn our dream into reality.  


Click the picture to enter the Photo Album
to see the beautiful transition of the gardens.

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May 2022 - Feb 2020 garden.png

The Pollination Place, Phoenix, OR

Want to learn about native and pollinator plants, help collect seeds to grow and share, and more.....
oh, right, and weed?!

Sign up to Bee Involved!

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Sara potting up Coyote tobacco
April 2021

Stephanie, Malia, and Terry on work part

Stephanie, Malia, and Terry at a work party March 2021

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The Pollination Place
312 N. Main, Suite B

Phoenix, OR  97535 

Noon to 5pm

Tuesday - Friday
or by appointment

hours may vary so call ahead


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© 2024 Pollinator Project Rogue Valley

EIN 82-2110010

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