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Habitat Academy

Join us for Classes, Workshops, and Activities about Pollinators, Plants, and our Local Ecosystem!


Sunday, February 25

1 - 2:30pm

Talent Library


Please register to reserve your seat! 


In 2019, the total known population of Western Monarchs plummeted to a scant 20,500 - a 99.4% loss in the last 20 years - followed by another ten-fold drop to less than 2,000! What happened and why? What can we do to help? The presentation by Robert Coffan of Southern Oregon Monarch Advocates will include an introduction to the iconic monarch butterfly, some of the issues that plague our migrating western population, and share what we can do to help restore monarch habitat and help many other pollinators throughout the seasons.

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Thank you for bee-ing involved! Thank you for your support!


Pollinator Project Rogue Valley is a volunteer-led Oregon-registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

We envision communities and landscapes working together, supporting diverse ecosystems rich with native plants and thriving native pollinators.
We inspire, engage, and educate about the ecological importance of native pollinator species and the diverse native plant communities essential for their survival. We are committed to the creation and restoration of pesticide-free pollinator corridors throughout the Rogue Valley.


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The Pollination Place
312 N. Main, Suite B

Phoenix, OR  97535 

Noon to 5pm

Tuesday - Friday
or by appointment

hours may vary so call ahead


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© 2024 Pollinator Project Rogue Valley

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