Bee a Pollinator Pal!
Our Program Provides Education and Hands On Activities Focused On Native Pollinators, Native Plants, and Our Local Ecology!
Read our 2023 End of Year Report here!
Read Ethan's article, Pollinator Pals in 2023, for more insights here!
complete this form
to tell us how we can provide a fun and educational lesson or activity for
your students!
Looking for a specific lesson for your curriculum? Just want a fun activity for an hour? Planning a community event? Let's see what we can do together!

We offer creative lesson plans with hands-on activities, locally oriented to educate and engage students about our native pollinators, native plants, and our local ecosystems.
Click here to download our fun and educational lessons!
Intro to Pollinators: Flowers Lesson Plan
Oregon State Science Standards
3rd Grade ● LS1.1
4th Grade ● LS1.1
Students will be able to:
● Identify the reproductive parts of a flower
● Understand the importance of pollinators in seed production
● Connect the concept of pollination to their favorite foods
Adopt A Seed Lesson Plan
Oregon State Science Standards
3rd Grade ● LS1.1 ● LS3.2 ● LS4.3 ● LS1.1
4th Grade ● LS1.1
5th Grade ● LS1.1 ● LS2.1
Students will be able to:
Describe the components of a seed and their job as part of a plant
Understand the life cycle of a plant from seed to seed
Plant a native seed
Connect a plant’s life cycle to the seasons
Download our Lesson Plans here.
Lesson Kits are available for the Lesson Plans - see below!

"It was great! The lesson ran smoothly, was engaging for the kids, and was well staffed with knowledgeable volunteers who also clearly had experience teaching children. I didn't feel overwhelmed with too many emails or decision-making. Yet, I felt informed and a part of the process."
~ Angelina Tejada Ingram, Bellview Elementary, Ashland
Pollinator Kits
Intro 2 Pollinators: Flowers Lesson Kit
Grades 3-5
Explore the anatomy of a flower in this hands-on activity and engaging presentation. Students will explore the important relationships between flowers, pollinators, and human food systems. Using art supplies and our simple instructions, students will get to make their own anatomically accurate flower model!
Included in the kit:
Lesson Plan
Slide-show presentation
Student worksheets
Art supplies (q-tips, play-doh, construction paper, pipe cleaners, beads)
Adopt-a-Seed Lesson Kit
Grades 3-5
Walk your students through the life anatomy and life cycle of a seed with this 2-part lesson. Part 1 shows the diversity and unity in the biology of a seed and the plants they grow into. Part 2 has students learn about Native Ecosystems and the environmental requirements of native plants. Afterwards, your students will get to choose a native plant to grow, starting from a seed.
Included in the kit:
Lesson plan
Slide-show presentation
Student worksheets
Seeds for planting and dissecting
Plant labels, pots and decorating supplies
Tweezers and magnifying glasses
Pollinator Count Kit
All Ages
Get your student scientists outside this spring! This kit gives you all the tools to accurately survey an area for its pollinator population. Students will use common scientific techniques to find the bees, butterflies, moths, flies, beetles, and wasps that keep our ecosystem running through their pollination services.
Included in the kit:
Our very own Pollinator Count form, full of info about pollinators - from bees to beetles
Magnifying glass jars
Insect net
Butterfly enclosure
Dry erase markers
These activities could become regular additions to your pollinator education!
Click here to access these activities for students of any age.
Pollinator Count!
Bee a Citizen Scientist! Find out if your garden is making a difference for pollinators!
Pollinator Flower Scavenger Hunt
This activity will help you learn about different flower types, and understand the link between different pollinators and their floral preferences.
Community Engagement
Meeting the community at local events is a big part of what we do. From making seed balls to looking at bugs close up or offering quizzes, our goal is to teach kids of all ages while they are having fun!

PPRV's Pollinator Pals
Education Committee for
Pollinator Pals
The Education Committee is composed of experienced educators and community members who have a passion for bringing their knowledge and experience to the education programs at PPRV to spark interest and passion in members of our community. Their goal is to inspire our community to be caretakers and changemakers for our local ecosystems.
Continue reading here.
Learn more about our team here and in this blog - Pollinator Pals, With Cheese.

Meet Ethan!
Ethan Robison is PPRV's Pollinator Pals Education Coordinator!
After serving as our first Pollinator Educator and Outreach Specialist as our United Communities / AmeriCorps member for 2022-2023, we were thrilled to be able to hire Ethan for this new part-time position!
Enjoy Ethan's 'End of Term Reflection' he wrote about his AmeriCorps service on our Blog here.

Meet Sam!
Sam Inada is PPRV's second Pollinator Educator and Outreach Specialist as our United Communities / AmeriCorps member for 2023-2024. We are excited to have Sam working with Ethan to further expand the program!

L to R: Ethan Robison, Sara Enriquez, Hannah Borgerson, Sam Inada,
Sue Fthenakis, Kristina Lefever. Pete Gonzalvez not shown.
We are honored and excited to be a grant recipient of the Cow Creek Umpqua Indian Foundation in support of our Pollinator Pals program, as well as the recipient of the 2023 Martha Young Award!
Read our press release here.
~ January 2023

Thank you, The Carpenter Foundation, for this grant in support of our Pollinator Pals program and our new Pollinator Pals Coordinator! ~July 2023

We are thrilled to to be one of only three recipients for the Jackson Soil and Water Conservation District's to further support our education and outreach efforts about pollinators and pollinator habitat!
~ October 2023