Please help protect our precious pollinators!
Pesticides are toxic to bees, birds, fish, humans, and animals.
Here’s how to get on the “No Spray” list for:
Jackson County Roads
JCR sprays glyphosate as well as other herbicides along county roads.
Call 541-774-8184 or access the required forms here:
Visit the website here.
Josephine County Roads
JCR sprays glyphosate as well as other herbicides along county roads.
Call Public Works, 541-474-5460 or access the required forms here:
Visit the website here.
Jackson County Vector Control
JC Vector Control ‘fogs’ the insecticide deltamethrin spring through fall to control mosquitoes.
Deltamethrin is toxic to bees and aquatic organisms, and a human endocrine disruptor.
Complete a No Spray form annually here.
Talent Irrigation District (TID)
TID sprays herbicides along the Ditch.
Complete a No Spray form here.
Thank you!
Tell the world! Purchase our beautiful 16"x9.5" metal yard sign
at The Pollination Place!