Gifts to Learn, Gifts to Support, Gifts to Grow
These items are available at our office.
Come by, or call to make an appointment.
Thank you for your donation and support!
Pollinator Project Rogue Valley T-Shirt! $20.00
We love our T-shirt! Organic cotton of course, with a beautiful logo designed by Blaine Alexander Lindsey of RENDER, this shirt is comfortable and stylish for anytime and anywhere, especially in your pollinator garden.
Show your support of the pollinators with a shirt!

The Rogue Valley
Pollinator Anthology $40.00 or $70.00
This amazing 300 page, 8x10" soft-cover book is a community literary arts project envisioned by our friends Eden Orlando and Rebeca Ramm to support Pollinator Project Rogue Valley! More than a beautiful art book, with articles and facts about each of the pollinators and their role in our local ecology, plus children's activities, resources, and more, this book is educational too - we want everyone to have one!
Purchase your Pollinator Anthology at Pollinator Project Rogue Valley's office, online here, or at:
Catalyst Ashland, 357 E. Main St., Ashland
Old World Artifacts, 287 Fourth St., Ashland
Choose the $70 version for signatures from the editors and improved image quality.
Pollinator Anthology Sticker $3.00
Ya gotta have the sticker too! Buy a couple for your friends!
All purpose 3" round sticker.

Tell the World! $20.00
Our beautiful 16x9.5 metal yard sign tells the town that your yard is a safe haven for pollinators.
Thank you for supporting our work to save the pollinators!
Seeds! $4.00
Seeds grown locally, with 100% of the donation benefiting PPRV! Most of the seeds are from our Main Street Garden in Phoenix, and all are native to this region! Plant a little love for the Pollinators! Most of these seeds are best sown in the fall and winter months.
Learn more about these plants with our Native Plant Pollinator Garden Guide!

Native Plant Pollinator Garden Guide!
This Garden Guide is also available for your self-guided tour of our Main Street Garden - visit often to see how the garden changes with the seasons! This Garden Guide would not have been possible without the dedication of our awesome Pollinteer, Pete Gonvalzes, who contributed many hours of research in addition to his expertise.
Now into it's second year, we are pleased to offer seeds for sale from the garden, too!
Butterfly Diversity! $30.00
This amazing 24x30 poster by local artist Deb Van Poolen is not only beautiful, it is educational as well. Depicting 40 species of butterflies, the key identifies these species that call Southern Oregon home. Visit Deb's website here.

Backyard Bees of North America
OK, this is a few of the 4,000 species -- only 130, or 3% of all bee species in North America -- each pictured at 5x their actual size. But it highlights the amazing diversity of bee species in this country - from the carpenter bee (Xylocopa), to the tiny fairy bees (Perdita). Many thanks to Dr. Olivia Carril and Dr. Joe Wilson of The Bees in Your Backyard!
Native Pollinator Plants
for Southern Oregon
This 'little' book is an excellent resource for learning about some of the best pollinator plants that grow here in our region.
Thank you, Suzie Savoie of Klamath Siskiyou Native Seeds, for donating a portion of each book sold to PPRV!

Bumble Bees of Southwest Oregon
Thanks to Vesper Meadow for creating this excellent 40-page field guide, a great resource for beginning and seasoned naturalists alike. This pocket-sized booklet measures 4” x 6,” and has waterproof covers and a spiral-wire binding, making it durable and easy to bring along in the field.